The Weekly Livestock Reporter

Market Reports

Paris Saturday

Paris, TX — February 1 (Special) Receipts at Cattlemen’s Livestock Commission: 871 head, including 319 cows, 13 bulls, 518 calves and 21 goats. Calf market continuing with a steady to higher pricing. Finally reaching the $5 range on some lightweights. Weigh market continuing higher also. Stock cows were very impressive with quality cattle in the high 3’s.   

Steers: 300 lbs. and under $300-525; 300-400 lbs. $300-500; 400-500 lbs. $250-445; 500-600 lbs. $220-370; 600-700 lbs. $110-320; 700-800 lbs. $105-275; 800 lbs. and up $100-250.

Heifers: 300 lbs. and under $250-450; 300-400 lbs. $240-410; 400-500 lbs. $200-395; 500-600 lbs. $170-340; 600-700 lbs. $120-290; 700-800 lbs. $105-235; 800 lbs. and up $100-230.

Slaughter cows $80-149. Slaughter bulls $130-183. Stocker cows $1100-3250, pairs $1600-3950. Baby calves $400-1125.

Holstein: steers $140-200. Holstein: heifers $750-850. Goats $75-375.

Buffalo Livestock

Buffalo, TX — February 1 - Receipts: 669.

Slaughter cows: cutter cows $109-155; fat cows $105-140; canner cows $45-100.

Slaughter bulls: heavy bulls $140-169; light bulls $95-140.

Cow/calf pairs & bred cows: choice NT; good $2550-3250; plain NT; bred cows 3-6 yrs. old $1250-3000.

Steer/bull calves & yearlings: 150-200 lbs. $200-465; 200-300 lbs. $230-475; 300-400 lbs. $225-460; 400-500 lbs. $220-428; 500-600 lbs. $210-369; 600-700 lbs. $195-319; 700-800 lbs. $170-273.

Heifer calves & yearling: 150-200 lbs. $200-375; 200-300 lbs. $210-420; 300-400 lbs. $205-400; 400-500 lbs. $200-345; 500-600 lbs. $190-309; 600-700 lbs. $165-269; 700-800 lbs. $155-232.

These prices reflect the good to choice cattle, and the plainer cattle would be $25-40 behind these figures.

Meridian Monday

Meridian, TX — February 3. Receipts at Meridian Livestock Commission: 244. Stocker and feeder steers: steady. Stocker and feeder heifers: steady on lite weight; $4 higher on feeders. Slaughter cows: $4-5 lower. Packer bulls: steady. Cow/calf pairs: active on limited supply. Young replacements: active on limited supply.

Steers: No. 1, under 300 lbs. NT; 300-400 lbs. $380-435; 400-500 lbs. $350-440; 500-600 lbs. $300-372.50; 600-700 lbs. $270-317.50; 700-800 lbs. NT.

Heifers: No. 1, under 300 lbs. $300-450; 300-400 lbs. $320-355; 400-500 lbs. $300-337.50; 500-600 lbs. $280-317.50; 600-700 lbs. $260-297; 700-800 lbs. NT.

Slaughter cows, high yielding $135-144; low yielding $120-127; fats NT; thin & shelly $100-114.

Packer bulls $150-172.50.

Pairs: young choice: 1 at $3300; young fair: NT; aged pairs: split.

Young pregnancy tested stocker replacement cows $1500-2000.

Gainesville Friday

Gainesville, TX — January 31  (Special) Receipts at Gainesville Livestock Market, Inc.: 655. The market is still very good. Few classes were $3-4 cheaper. The light calves still have very good demand especially on the front end sets of steers. The weaned calves still have the most demand. The unworked calves was $3-4 lower. The feeder cattle was steady on the yearlings and the heavy calves was $3 lower. Stock cows had very good demand we’re starting to see several of the cows going back to the country now even on the older cows. Packers were $3 higher.   

Feeder Steers: Medium and large frame, 200-300 lbs., No. 1 $400-500; 300-400 lbs., No. 1 $370-470; 400-500 lbs., No. 1 $350-440; 500-600 lbs., No. 1 $290-349; 600-700 lbs., No. 1 $270-320; 700-800 lbs., No. 1 $250-296.

Feeder Heifers: Medium and large frame, 200-300 lbs., No. 1 $350-430; 300-400 lbs., No. 1 $350-410; 400-500 lbs., No. 1 $300-370; 500-600 lbs., No. 1 $280-320; 600-700 lbs., No. 1 $240-285; 700-800 lbs., No. 1 $225-250.

#2’s and #3’s on feeder steers and heifers will be 20-45 cents off of the #1’s.

Slaughter bulls: Y.G. 1-2, 1200-2050 lbs. $140-185. Slaughter cows #1, $120-146, cutters $70-105.

Stocker cows PG’d tested 3-9 years: Large frame $2000-3000, medium frame $900-1500.

Cow and calf pairs: Cows with calves under 250 lbs., large frame $2500-3000, medium frame $1400-2200. Cross bred calves: $550-890.

Oklahoma Hay

Oklahoma City, OK – January 31 (F-S) Demand for hay remains light, and prices remain steady. Oklahoma hay remains highly available, as most hay producers still have barns full. However, there is not enough demand yet, for trades to be steady or high.

Trends: Alfalfa Large rounds & squares $130-150 a ton - 2024; Grinding hay - No Trend; Bermuda 5x6 rounds - $70-90 a bale - 2024; Bermuda 5x6 rounds - $50-55 a bale - Year Old Hay; Bermuda Large Squares - No Trend; Wheat Hay 5x6 Round and Large Squares - $80-90 a Ton - 2024 Grass Hay 4x5-4x6 - $45-55 a bale - 2024; Grass Hay 4x5-4x6 Unfertilized hay - $25-35 - 2024; Grass Hay 5x6 - No Trend; Rough Grass Hay any size $25 a bale - Year Old Hay.

The Oklahoma Mesonet Drought Monitor shows that 0 percent of the state is in exceptional drought, 0 percent is in extreme drought, 0.33 percent is in severe drought, 5.24 percent is moderate, 26.11 percent is abnormally dry conditions, and 73.89 percent has no drought conditions.

Central: Alfalfa - Premium/Supreme (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 175.00 F.O.B. Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Ground 90.00 F.O.B. Alfalfa - Fair/Good (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 135.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Fair/Good (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 60.00 F.O.B. Grass - Good (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 50.00 F.O.B. Prairie/Meadow Grass - Fair (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 40.00 Delivered.

North Central: Bermuda Grass - Premium/Supreme (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 90.00 F.O.B.; Small Square 11.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good/Premium (Trade/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 80.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 70.00 F.O.B.

Northeast: Alfalfa - Good/Premium (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 200.00 Delivered. Alfalfa - Good (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 150.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good/Premium (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 150.00 Delivered. Prairie/Meadow Grass - Premium (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 55.00 F.O.B. Prairie/Meadow Grass - Good/Premium (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 50.00 F.O.B. Prairie/Meadow Grass - Good (Trade/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Medium Round 45.00 F.O.B.

Northwest: Alfalfa - Premium (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 165.00 F.O.B. Alfalfa - Good (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Ground 90.00 F.O.B. Alfalfa - Fair/Good (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Square 4x4 130.00 F.O.B. Bermuda Grass - Good/Premium (Ask/Per Bale) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 80.00 F.O.B. Prairie/Meadow Grass - Good (Ask/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 140.00 Delivered. Wheat - Good (Trade/Per Ton) - Price Range; Freight/Use: Large Round 85.00 F.O.B.

New Summerfield Saturday

New Summerfield, TX — February 1 (Special) Receipts at Tri County Livestock Market, 735 head. Some plain cattle below these figures.

Steers: under 300 lbs. $310-495; 300-400 lbs. $295-455; 400-500 lbs. $265-435; 500-600 lbs. $240-350; 600-700 lbs. $215-315; 700-800 lbs. $190-300. 

Heifers: under 300 lbs. $295-415; 300-400 lbs. $290-410; 400-500 lbs. $275-380; 500-600 lbs. $255-310; 600-700 lbs. $225-305; 700-800 lbs. $185-255. Lower quality heifers NT.

Slaughter cows $70-145. Heavy bulls $120-185. Light bulls NT. Stocker cows $1300-2600. Cow/calf pairs (top) $1550-2950. Low-middle pairs NT. Baby calves $250-525.

Hugo Friday

Hugo, OK — January 31 (Special) Receipts at Three Creek Livestock Auction: 271 head. Packers $3-5 higher. Calves steady to $10 higher in places. 720 lb. steer at $3.   

Steers: 100-300 lb. $470-540; 300-400 lb. $350-460; 400-500 lb. $310-410; 500-600 lb. $300-345; 600-700 lb. $275-317; 700-800 lb. $260-300; 800 lbs. and up $190-214.

Heifers: 100-300 lb. $350-400; 300-400 lb. $300-395; 400-500 lb. $295-350; 500-600 lb. $280-310; 600-700 lb. $220-230; 700-800 lb. NT; 800 lbs. and up $200-200.

Packers $100-157; Stockers $120-220. Bulls $151-210. Cows per head NT. Bulls per head NT. Calves per head $600-1000. Top packer cow $157. Top packer bull $210. Pairs $1800-3400. Goat $55-55; sheep $140-180; horse/donkey NT.

Jordan Weekly
Market Report

Mason & San Saba – January 30. Receipts totaled 4,474 head. The market continued to move higher with the stocker steers selling $10-15 higher with 3 steers 350 lbs at $490 ($1715) and 8 steers 447 lbs at $395 ($1765.65). Stocker heifers sold $8-15 higher with 3 heifers 430 lbs $355 ($1526.50). The feeder steers were steady with 7 steers 637 lbs $302.50 ($1926.93) and the feeder heifers were $10 higher with 2 heifers 665 lbs at $290 ($1928.50). Packer cows were $3-5 higher and bulls were $7-8 higher. Pairs and bred cows were $100-300 higher.

Steers: Choice calves 100-300 lbs. $388-460; 300-400 lbs. $356-490; 400-500 lbs. $348-425; 500-600 lbs. $316-375; 600-700 lbs. $286-336; 700-800 lbs. $255-294.

Heifers: Choice calves 100-300 lbs. $346-415; 300-400 lbs. $334-395; 400-500 lbs. $317-392.50; 500-600 lbs. $283-340; 600-700 lbs. $253-307; 700-800 lbs. $232-265.

Yearlings: Choice steers 700-800 lbs. $261-294; Choice steers 800+ lbs. $237-254; Choice heifers 700-800 lbs. $232-265; Choice heifers 800+ lbs. $230-262; #2 Steer calves & yearlings $190-260; #2 Heifer calves & yearlings $120-235; Shorties & Plainer calves & yearlings $80-210.

Cows: Choice bred $2800-3800; Medium to good bred $1850-2775; Plainer & older bred $1200-1825; High yield $126-159; Medium yield $105-125; Low yield $88-105; Heiferettes & young stockers $150-212.

Bulls: High yield $160-172; Medium yield $140-159; Low yield $101-139; Feeders NT.

Pairs: Choice $3000-4450; Medium to good $2000-2950; Plainer & older pairs NT.

Some representative sales: Bill Bryant, Richland Springs, 3 steers 350 lbs $490; Pat Griggs, Hamilton, 1 steer 375 lbs $490; Dean Bagley Estate, San Saba, 4 steers 508 lbs $352.50; JLH Management Trust, 3 heifers 415 lbs $392.50; Gene Stewart, San Saba, 1 heifer 505 lbs $340; Allen Kasparian, Waco, 4 heifers 525 lbs $322.50.

OKC West Wednesday

Oklahoma City, OK — January 29 (F‑S) Receipts at OKC West - El Reno Livestock Market: 12,790. Feeder steers traded $3-5 higher. Feeder heifers sold $1-3 higher. Demand good for feeders. Steer and heifer calves sold $8-15 higher. Demand improved as the sale progressed, thus causing wider than normal price ranges. Cattle futures closed sharply higher again and this fueling demand. 

Feeder Cattle Steers - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 307 470.00; 350-387 370.00-420.00; 402-438 375.00-420.00; 455-494 335.00-410.00; 510-549 337.50-387.50; 512 395.00 Fancy; 554-598 297.50-365.00; 602-645 296.00-339.00; 650-698 286.00-327.00; 684 290.00 Fleshy; 705-738 286.00-300.00; 742 302.00 Fancy; 750-798 271.00-297.00; 802-842 266.50-279.00; 858-897 258.00-269.00; 905-948 255.00-263.00; 963-985 252.00-259.00; 1028 249.00.

Heifers - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 368 360.00; 401-443 320.00-395.00; 451-498 310.00-350.00; 503-535 312.50-340.00; 507-535 345.00-355.00 Fancy; 556-597 290.00-320.00; 602-647 275.00-300.00; 653-689 255.00-282.00; 652-691 250.00 Unweaned; 723-748 257.50-262.00; 752-788 240.00-259.00; 806-844 241.00-255.00; 907 249.00.

Bulls - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 393 430.00 Thin Fleshed; 438 380.00; 498 355.00 Thin Fleshed; 509-518 330.00-360.00; 550 330.00; 648 280.00.

San Angelo Cattle

San Angelo, TX — January 30 (F-S) Receipts at Producers Livestock Auction Co.: 1,025. Steer and heifer calves and yearlings firm to $5 higher. Slaughter cows firm to $2 higher; slaughter bulls steady. Replacement cows and pairs firm to slightly higher. Trading active, demand good for all classes. 

Feeder Cattle Steers - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 320-343 415.00-420.00; 368-383 420.00-425.00; 415-432 390.00-420.00; 523-548 320.00-345.00; 603-631 290.00-315.00; 656-670 293.00-294.00; 757-763 262.00-264.00.

Heifers - Medium and Large 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 273-294 380.00-400.00; 320 400.00; 355-357 380.00-395.00; 400-433 325.00-345.00; 503-545 290.00-328.00; 709 246.00.

Cows - Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 843 106.00 Thin Fleshed; 890 110.00-112.00 Thin Fleshed; 950-970 92.00-96.50 Thin Fleshed; 1195 95.00 Thin Fleshed.

Bulls - Medium and Large 2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 455-495 308.00-328.00; 523-540 267.50-270.00; 605-635 242.00-262.00; 670-688 250.00-259.00; 725 216.00; 788-798 208.00-212.00; 854-880 216.00-220.00.

Slaughter Cattle Cows - Breaker 75-80% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 1685-1795 104.00-111.00 Average.

Cows - Boner 80-85% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 1200-1740 122.00-134.00 Average; 1238-1465 136.00-140.00 High.

Cows - Lean 85-90% (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 100-1165 120.00-133.00 Average; 1005-1230 135.00-141.00 High; 1035-1185 105.00-115.00 Low; 893-1035 90.00-99.00 Very Low.

Bulls - 1 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range; Dressing: 1530-1760 145.00-158.00 Average; 1335-2080 137.00-147.00 Low.

Replacement Cattle Stock Cows - Medium and Large 1-2 (Per Cwt / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 958-997 197.00-208.00; 915-1280 170.00-193.00; 1118-1234 150.00-160.00; 1095-1375 139.00-146.00; 985-1325 125.00-135.00.

Bred Cows - Medium and Large 1-2 (Per Unit / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 980-1100 2450.00-2675.00.

Cow-Calf Pairs - Medium and Large 1-2 w/ 150-300 lbs calf (Per Unit / Actual Wt) - Wt Range; Price Range: 420-730 2400.00-2750.00.